Macedonia at the Pittsburgh East European and Slavic Fall Festival

On Sunday, October 30, 2017, the United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) promoted Macedonia at the Eastern European and Slavic Fall Festival held at the Cathedral of Learning at the University of Pittsburgh. Organized by the Center for Russian and East European Studies and the Yugoslav Room Committee, the festival highlighted the history, people and cultures of Southeast Europe, especially the nationalities that used to be a part of former Yugoslavia. Guests interacted with representatives from the Bosnian, Montenegrin, Macedonian, Serbian, and Slovenian communities, as well as with representatives of student clubs.

The festival also featured The Pitt Carpathian Ensemble, which performed music from Southeast Europe, including the famous Macedonian folk song, Jovano, Jovanke. Click HERE for video.

The Yugoslav Room is one of the 30 classrooms, named the Nationality Rooms, in the Cathedral of Learning, which were designed to showcase Pittsburgh’s ethnic communities. Both the Nationality Rooms and the Cathedral of Learning are designated as Pittsburgh Historic Landmarks.

Special thanks to Dr. Dijana Tofovic and UMD Board Member Dr. Natasha Garrett for their hard work to make sure Macedonian culture was represented during the festival.

Previous We Have Always Been, Are, and Will Always Be Macedonia


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