Declare Your Macedonian Heritage in the 2011 Canada Census

Don’t let our Macedonian heritage be erased from history, participate in the 2011 Census.  According to the 2006 Canadian census, only a small fraction of the Macedonian community (37,050) claimed their Macedonian ethnicity.  It is vital that all Canadians of Macedonian descent declare their ancestry.

Every person living in Canada, as well as Canadians working outside the country, is legally bound to complete a census form.  Census information is used to determine transfer payments to your province and electoral districts.  It also helps planning for spending on health care, education, public transit and many other vital projects.

However, a census return is also a historical document.  It is one of the few records left behind for future generations in which genealogists can piece together family units.  Through this one source, researchers can learn the names, relationships, birth dates and ethnic origins of a family.  Another way to help future generations learn about you and your family tree is to leave detailed comments in the Note section.

Also, when census participation is a particular ethnic community is low, the various decision-makers will underestimate the size that community, which can have many negative results.

Canada’s 15th decennial census started May 2, when households in Canada received a yellow census package.  May 10 is census reference day, and counting activities cease on July 29.  The results will be released in 2012.

Statistics Canada will ask for “respondents’ permission to release their personal information after 92 years.”  Please choose “yes”, so the records will be forwarded to Library and Archives Canada for public release after the waiting period.  If you leave this question blank, it is viewed as a “no” response, and the information and the information about your Macedonian ethnicity will be lost. 

Once part of the mandatory long-form questionnaire, completion the National Household Survey (NHS) in June is now voluntary.  Questions posed include citizenship and immigration, language, ethnic origin, place of birth of parents and many others. Macedonian-Canadians who receive the NHS are strongly encouraged to complete it, and state their ethnic origins proudly.

To learn more about the 2011 Census, including information on the option to complete the questionnaire online, visit Statistics Canada (

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