UMDiaspora Expresses Gratitude to Slovenian Parliamentarian Jelko Kacin

UMDiaspora sends a letter of gratitute to Jelko Kacin for his continued support to the Republic of Macedonia’s aspirations to join the European Union.


Dear Mr. Kacin:

The United Macedonian Diaspora, a Washington D.C. based organization with local offices across the world, would like to thank you on behalf of all Macedonians for your energy and activism in supporting the Republic of Macedonia’s right to self-identification.  The right of self-determination and self-identification is one of the most natural and basic rights of all people, both as individuals and as a group.

We ask and encourage you to continue to support the legitimate aspirations of the Macedonian people and we commend you on your good work.

We have also initiated a petition to advocate for the right to self-determination of Macedonians around the world.  If you agree to the contents, please sign this petition.  The petition is located at

Yours sincerely,

United Macedonian Diaspora

The letter was published on Mr. Kacin’s website 

Previous Petition Against Any Changes to Macedonian Name and Identity


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