Macedonian Minority in Greece Tops UMD Congressional Meetings

This week, the United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) President Metodija A. Koloski and Generation M Global Co-Chair Kristina Dimitrievski conducted a series of meetings with members of the Congressional Caucus on Macedonia and Macedonian-Americans, specifically Congressman Jim Banks (R-IN), Caucus Co-Chair Congressman Brendan Boyle (D-PA), and new Caucus Co-Chair Congressman Paul Mitchell (R-MI).

Members reaffirmed their strong support of the Macedonian-American community and pledged continued reference to our homeland under our rightful name – Macedonia.

Koloski and Dimitrievski briefed the members of Congress on the latest developments in Macedonia, and UMD’s opposition to the Prespa Agreement, particularly due to its whitewashing of Greece’s tragic past in regards to the Macedonian minority within its borders. UMD provided the members with copies of the February 24, 2019 BBC Article “Greece’s invisible minority – the Macedonian Slavs,” which eloquently summarizes many of the trials and tribulations Macedonians have faced since 1913.

The public is unaware of what has happened to Macedonians in Greece over the past century, and is a taboo-topic within Greece. Despite the efforts of the Greek government to hide their tragic past, more and more information is becoming available to policymakers with a hope to make a difference for Macedonians and other minorities in Greece.

On February 27, 2019, Congressman Mitchell had the BBC article published in the Congressional Record, following UMD’s meeting. This will be forever kept in the record and anytime a member of Congress, Congressional staffer, or researcher searches the terms “Macedonia,” “Greece,” or “Macedonian minority” the BBC article will show in their search results.

On social media, Congressman Mitchell stated “Always great to see friends from the United Macedonian Diaspora to discuss Macedonia’s move to join NATO and the European Union. As a co-chair of the Congressional Caucus on Macedonia and Macedonian Americans, and representative of one of the largest Macedonian populations in the United States, I’m dedicated to maintaining and strengthening the positive and mutually beneficial relationship between the United States and Macedonia.”

UMD’s efforts are long-term, and with the support of the Macedonian-American community and the friends of Macedonia community, we will continue to champion Macedonian causes.

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