URGENT: Secret Greek Conference on Macedonia’s Name Taking Place in Canada

Kristina Dimitrievski, the Canadian Chairwoman of Generation M – UMD’s young leaders program – discovered a brochure of a secret Greek conference on Macedonia’s name taking place next weekend in Quebec. It is nowhere to be found on the website of the host of the conference – the Canadian Hellenic Congress.

The Greeks, backed by their government in Athens, will not stop from spreading anti-Macedonian propaganda and revisionism of Macedonian history. See below images.

We must put a stop to this!

1. Write to your Member of Parliament – urge them to become a member of the Canada-Macedonia Parliamentary Friendship Group chaired by Brian May, and stress your gratitude for Canada’s continued recognition of our proper name.

2. Get involved in the 4th Canadian-Macedonian Leadership Conference to take place in Ottawa in the Spring 2018.

3. Purchase a copy of Macedonia 2013: 100 Years After The Treaty of Bucharest and donate to your local library.

4. If you are a student, put a request at your university library to do the same. Stanford University, University of Chicago, George Washington University, University of Pittsburgh, La Roche College, University of California, Berkeley, and the Library of Congress all have a copy of the book thanks to encouragement and donations by faculty or students with a Macedonian connection.

5. Make a donation of only $10 to UMD’s $10 from 10,000 Macedonians campaign – write “Canadian Hellenic Congress – our name is non-negotiable!” in the comment section.

Today, we cannot sit by the sidelines. Today, we must act.

Will you join us?

Previous Macedonia at the Pittsburgh East European and Slavic Fall Festival


United Macedonian Diaspora
800 Maine Avenue SW Suite 200 Washington, D.C. 20024

Opening Hours:

Mon – Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

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