UMD Announces АЈДЕ Гласајте, AJDE Vote Initiative

The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) is pleased to announce its new initiative АЈДЕ Гласајте, AJDE Vote to mobilize the Macedonian Diaspora abroad to vote in elections. Our Voice, Our Future is the motto of UMD’s latest campaign to raise awareness about the right to vote of Macedonian citizens who live outside of Macedonia.

UMD believes that every Macedonian in the world should see Macedonia as their homeland, even if they do not physically live in the country. According to Macedonia’s Constitution, Macedonians abroad can obtain citizenship, and thus, have the right to vote in Macedonia’s Presidential and Parliamentary elections since 2011.

Macedonian citizens abroad had from February 1st and have until this March 7th to register at an Embassy or Consulate of the Republic of Macedonia or through Voting will be conducted at all of these diplomatic missions abroad on April 12th for Presidential elections, and April 27th for early Parliamentary elections.

UMD strongly urges Macedonia’s government and political parties to come to an agreement regarding future voting via electronic means, especially for those Macedonian citizens who do not reside in close vicinity of a Macedonian diplomatic mission. Such an agreement would increase the number of Diaspora votes and finally provide all Macedonian citizens abroad an equal opportunity to be able to cast their vote, which is something that is their deserved right and responsibility as citizens of Macedonia. UMD hopes that in the future Macedonia’s institutions will ease the process of registering to vote for Macedonian citizens abroad, including through online forms.

Furthermore, UMD believes that Macedonia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs should evaluate opening a Macedonian Consular office in Dusseldorf (Germany), Houston (United States), Miami (United States), Los Angeles (United States), Perth (Australia), Seattle (United States) or Vancouver (Canada), and Sydney (Australia), given the large number of Macedonians in these cities.

Like our campaign on Facebook by clicking HERE.

Message about the campaign by UMD President in English and Macedonian.

Previous 10 Years Later, President Trajkovski’s Legacy Lives On


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800 Maine Avenue SW Suite 200 Washington, D.C. 20024

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