UMDiaspora Pleased With Conduct of Elections; Wishes New Government Success

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Release No. 06-07/12

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The United Macedonian Diaspora is pleased with the democratic and peaceful conduct of the July 5, 2006 parliamentary elections in the Republic of Macedonia.  We congratulate the citizens of Macedonia for furthering Macedonia’s goals of joining NATO and the European Union.  All Macedonian citizens must understand that unity is necessary to foster peace and socio-economic stability in their country. 

The United Macedonian Diaspora congratulates the winning parties on their victory and wishes them success while leading the country.  Furthermore, our organization urges the winning party to work diligently in forming a functioning and viable coalition that will respect the will of the voters, and structure a professionally oriented government that will continue with needed economic and social reform.  It is the view of this organization that economic rehabilitation is a necessarily higher priority than narrow-minded ethnic considerations, particularly in the post-Framework Agreement era.

The United Macedonian Diaspora looks forward to continued and deeper ties between itself and the Macedonian government.

Founded in 2004, United Macedonian Diaspora is an international membership organization based in Washington, D.C. addressing the interests and needs of Macedonians and Macedonian communities throughout the world.

For more information about United Macedonian Diaspora the public is invited to contact the D.C. office at (202) 294-3400, or e-mail at   



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Previous ACTION ALERT – Times Refers to Macedonians as “Slavs”


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