UMD Thanks Senator Toy for Proposing Resolution 59

UMD thanks Michigan Senator Toy for her support of the Republic of Macedonia’s right to self-identification through Resolution 59. The Resolution states that the people who live in the country of Macedonia have a long history and rich Macedonian ethnic heritage, and that the Macedonian people have a separate and distinct national identity who speak their own Macedonian language.


October 19, 2005

Senator Laura Toy
PO Box 30036
Lansing, MI  48909-7536
VIA FACSIMILE: (517) 373-3935

Dear Senator Toy,

The United Macedonian Diaspora (“UMD”), a Washington D.C. based organization with local offices across the world, would like to thank you on behalf of all Macedonians for your energy and activism in supporting the Republic of Macedonia’s right to self-identification through your offering of Resolution 59 .

The right of self-determination and self-identification is one of the most natural and basic rights of all people, both as individuals and as a group. Under the rule of international law, there is no precedent granting to any government the power or authority to dictate to an independent sovereign nation what the sovereign’s name is or should be.

Mr. Dusko Sinadinoski informed us of your invitation to His Excellency, Prime Minister Buckovski to visit the State of Michigan during his official visit to the United States the week of October 24th.  Macedonia is in dire need of foreign investment, and we are positive, he will not only put Macedonia on the map, but will also make Macedonia – A Unique Business Gateway to the Balkans, its rightful place.  Macedonia is an attractive business and leisure destination.

We ask and encourage you to continue to support the legitimate aspirations of the Macedonian people and we commend you on your great work. UMD would be more than happy to be of assistance to you and your staff in any projects concerning Macedonia; please do not hesitate to contact us at (202) 294-3400 or by e-mail at


United Macedonian Diaspora





Below we present you Resolution 59 in its entirety:

A resolution recognizing and commending the Republic of Macedonia and the Macedonian people upon the occasion of Prime Minister Lade Buchkovski’s official visit to the United States of America and the great state of Michigan.

Whereas, The people who live in the country of Macedonia have a long history and rich Macedonian ethnic heritage;and

Whereas, The Macedonian people have a separate and distinct national identity and speak their own Macedonian language; and

Whereas, The people of Macedonia worship their own orthodox faith under the leadership of the Macedonian
Orthodox Church; and

Whereas, The Republic of Macedonia became an independent state in 1991 and was admitted to the United Nations
in 1995; and

Whereas, The United States of America has recognized the Republic of Macedonia as a sovereign state under its
constitutional name; and

Whereas, The Republic of Macedonia is a member of the Iraqi coalition helping to fight the war on terrorism; and

Whereas, Michigan is home to the largest Macedonian community in the United States of America;


Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate, That this legislative body of the state of Michigan supports the rights of the Macedonian people all over the world to call their country of Macedonia their home; to freely and without prejudice express their own Macedonian national identity; to read, write, and speak their Macedonian language; to worship their faith in their
Macedonian Orthodox churches; to practice their customs; and to have their human and civil rights protected by international law; and be it further resolved, That we hereby welcome Macedonian Prime Minister VLado Buchkovski on his official visit to the United States and the state of Michigan; and be it further Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be transmitted to the President and Vice President of the United States, the United States Secretary of State, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, the Majority Leader of the United States Senate, and to the Michigan congressional delegation.

Previous Forgotten Discrimination in the European Union


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