UMD Message to Greek Foreign Minister: Macedonia’s Name is Non-Negotiable

The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) is shocked and disturbed by the suggestion of the Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikos Kotzias, that the dispute over the use of the Republic of Macedonia’s constitutional name can be resolved through “package-negotiations.”

This is yet another in a long line of instances that demonstrates the Greek government’s complete and utter disregard for the human rights of the Macedonian people. This statement suggests that the Greek government thinks so little of the identity and history of its northern neighbor that it assumes that Macedonians will be willing to negotiate them away at the first sign of supposed political expediency. However, the Greek government has grossly underestimated the will of the Macedonian people, and the determination of groups such as UMD, to protect our homeland from those who wish to delegitimize its very existence.

Since our founding, UMD’s consistent position has been that these name negotiations are preposterous. No government can ever be rightfully empowered with the ability to change the constitutional name of Macedonia, and Macedonia ought to withdraw from these negotiations immediately. These recent statements have reiterated the importance of the work that UMD does to combat the unceasing assaults upon Macedonian culture.

Regardless of these constant challenges, UMD has been an unequivocal supporter of Macedonian values. We will remain steadfast in our position; no matter which government may be in power or which way the political winds may blow.

May Macedonians everywhere remain unwavering in our support for the use of our name, our heritage, our language, and our identity. United, We Can.

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