UMD Celebrates the 20th Anniversary of Macedonia’s Independence

September 8, 2011 – Washington, D.C. – The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) joins all Macedonians throughout the world today in celebrating the 20th Anniversary of a free, independent, and sovereign Republic of Macedonia.  UMD congratulates all Macedonian citizens, Macedonia’s leadership, and the entire global Macedonian community on this auspicious occasion. 

UMD uses this opportunity to reiterate its position that the Macedonian Diaspora will not accept any changes or compromises to our name Macedonia, our Macedonian national identity and ethnicity, our Macedonian language, and our Macedonian heritage.  UMD calls on Macedonia’s leadership and all Macedonian citizens to stand firmly in protecting Macedonia’s and the Macedonian people’s right to self-determination, despite pressures from the international community.

“The Macedonian people have dreamed of a free, independent, and sovereign Macedonia; our history has been quite tragic trying to achieve this goal,” said UMD Board Chairman Stojan Nikolov who is on an official visit to Macedonia alongside UMD President Metodija A. Koloski.  “We must never forget what our forefathers had to do to gain independence for the Republic of Macedonia,” concluded Nikolov.

UMD believes that in the last 20 years Macedonia has gone through many challenges, and has overcome many obstacles.  “Macedonia – the gateway to Southeast Europe – is well on its path to economic growth, greater democratic stability, and rule of law.  Much has been achieved, but 20 years is not nearly enough time to bring Macedonia where it needs to be,” said UMD President Koloski.  “UMD urges Macedonia’s leadership to continue on its path to reforms necessary for Macedonia to be a regional leader and socio-economically stable.” 

While Macedonia and its people face many challenges, UMD is confident in the ability of Macedonia’s people to meet such challenges.  UMD shall continue supporting Macedonia as it expands its role as a source of freedom and stability and looks forward to the day when Macedonia takes its well-deserved place within both NATO and the EU under its rightful and constitutional name – Republic of Macedonia.

Today, UMD honors those who established the Republic of Macedonia as a free and independent nation, remembers those Macedonians who long dreamt of, but never saw, an independent Macedonian state, and celebrates Macedonia’s independence and freedom.  UMD calls on all Macedonians around the world to do the same.  United, We Can!


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