UMD Australia Appoints Martin Nikoloski Representative for ACT/Canberra Region

1 August 2011 – Canberra, Australia – The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) is pleased to announce the official appointment of Martin Nikoloski as its Regional Representative for the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) and Canberra region reaching another important milestone in its growth strategy in Australia. 


“Martin brings excellent international experience to UMD gained in the United States, Southern Africa and in Europe.  He has essential diplomatic, people and issues management skills.  Having the necessary qualifications, Martin is well positioned to advance the work of UMD with key players in the Australian Federal and Territory government, the local community and the media,” said UMD Director of Australian Operations Ordan Andreevski. 

Martin Nikoloski was born in Skopje and was privileged to grow up and study in Africa, Europe, and the United States by the time he was 18 years of age.  He earned his Bachelor’s of Science in International Politics from Marian University – Wisconsin and spent six years working in the international development field in Washington, D.C.  In 2006, Martin migrated to Canberra with his wife Zoe, an Australian.  Currently, he works in the private sector in the renewable energy field and is an advocate for environmental and sustainability issues. 

Martin is a proud Macedonian and passionate about his people’s plight for basic human rights, sovereignty, and recognition of their rich cultural, lingual and historic significance.  In 2011, Martin was honoured to become an Australian citizen.  He is working on unifying the Macedonian Diaspora in Australia and through the help of UMD, to make it a stronger and more effective advocate for the interests of all Macedonians.

“The appointment of a UMD Regional Representative in the ACT and Canberra region signals a strong commitment to raising the profile and influence of the organisation with key decision-makers in Canberra.  In my capacity as Regional Representative for the ACT and the Canberra region, I will focus on uniting the community around core values and high impact projects and campaigns, which will improve the status, the public policies and support base of the Macedonian community in key institutions in Canberra,” said Martin Nikoloski.

“I am confident that Martin will make a positive and significant contribution to UMD’s Australian mission and will take the lead in organising high impact communications and events, which will influence public opinion in support of closer bilateral relations between Australia and Macedonia and improve the status and image of the Macedonian community,” concluded Andreevski.

UMD invites all Australian-Macedonians to join the important efforts of UMD to advance Australia-Macedonia relations.  Since UMD’s founding in 2004, UMD has become one of the leading national voices for the Australian-Macedonian community, while working to improve collaboration and dialogue with all Australian-Macedonian community stakeholders. 

To become a member of UMD Australia, please click HERE.  To donate in support of UMD Australia, please click HERE.

Media enquiries:

Ordan Andreevski,, Mob. 0438 385 466

Martin Nikoloski,, Mob. 0406 379 997

Previous UMD Slams Bulgaria over Blatantly False Census Results and Ongoing Serious Human Rights Violations


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800 Maine Avenue SW Suite 200 Washington, D.C. 20024

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