UMD Announces Canadian-Macedonian Leadership Conference in Toronto

On April 27, 2013, the United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) will host the 1st Annual Canadian-Macedonian Leadership Conference (#CMLC2013) at St. Clement of Ohrid Macedonian Orthodox Cathedral in Toronto. The CMLC2013 will bring together Canadian Macedonian leaders of various Macedonian cultural and faith-based organizations from throughout Canada.  

The Macedonian Ambassador to Canada, Ambassador Ljuben Tevdovski, as well as the North American Member of Macedonia’s Parliament, the Honorable Pavle Sazdov will be in attendance and will deliver remarks on Canada-Macedonia relations and the role of the Diaspora.  

“The conference is a unique opportunity for our leaders to come to a central location to interact, network, and learn effective ways to lead, fund-raise, educate, and best represent their communities,” said UMD Canada Director, Jim Daikos. “The goal of the conference will be to empower our leaders, especially our student leaders, through civic engagement, while also supporting Canada-Macedonia relations.”

“My family and I applaud UMD’s initiative to bring together the various Canadian-Macedonian entities to discuss ways to work together to help improve our lives in Canada, and our people in our homeland, Macedonia,” said UMD Advisory Council and Macedonian Companions Member Chris Stanwyck.

April 27th will feature leadership training on the best tools and techniques for marketing, fundraising, and mobilizing the community. The evening will conclude with a reception featuring Macedonian wine and food, which will welcome the wider Canadian-Macedonian community of Toronto and friends of Macedonia. 

UMD will cover the operating costs for CMLC2013, including complimentary breakfast and lunch, while individual participants will be responsible for covering their travel and accommodation.  

To learn more about CMLC2013, and to register your participation, please contact Jim Daikos at or call (416) 209-0448 or Mark Branov at or call (647) 741-1919.

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United Macedonian Diaspora
800 Maine Avenue SW Suite 200 Washington, D.C. 20024

Opening Hours:

Mon – Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

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