U.S. Embassy Statement: Macedonia’s Parliamentary Elections 2006

Source: U.S. Embassy in Skopje, Macedonia

The U.S. Embassy congratulates the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia for their positive participation in the parliamentary elections on July 5, and commends Prime Minister Buckovski for the statesmanship he demonstrated in his concession speech. The thousands of citizens who served as election board members, party observers, and election monitors on Election Day played an important role in this process. The Embassy also notes that the Ministry of Interior’s law enforcement professionals generally provided appropriate and effective security at polling stations.

The U.S. Embassy notes the OSCE/ODIHR assessment of Macedonia’s parliamentary elections as having largely met international standards for clean elections, with isolated cases of serious irregularities. It will be important for the relevant state authorities to investigate without delay and, where warranted, move swiftly to prosecute and punish those who are found to have carried out or instigated those irregularities.

These elections represent an important step forward in Macedonia’s progress toward its Euro-Atlantic integration goals. As such, they are a true victory for Macedonia and its citizens. We look forward to an orderly transition to a new government, and to working together with the next government as it strives to build a promising, prosperous future for all of Macedonia’s citizens.

Previous U.S. Embassy Statement: “Macedonia’s Parliamentary Elections 2006


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