NEW UMD PUBLICATION: “Macedonia 2013: 100 Years After the Treaty of Bucharest”

The United Macedonian Diaspora is proud to announce the publication of a 474-page academic journal Macedonia 2013: 100 Years After the Treaty of Bucharest, which features the proceedings of UMD’s 4th Annual Global Conference of the same name held July 24 through August 2, 2013 in Skopje and Ohrid, Macedonia. The Conference sought to explore “the implications the Balkan Wars and the Treaty had on Macedonians and Macedonian identity in the context of domestic and regional politics, particularly after the establishment of an independent and sovereign Republic of Macedonia,” as UMD Chairman Stojan Nikolov writes in the introduction.

Papers were presented by 44 academics, hailing from 12 different countries including Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Romania, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States, and representing the University of Bucharest, University of Exeter, Oxford University, American University, Jahja Kemal College, University of East Anglia, University of Zurich, Western New England University, Institute for National History, and University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius. These papers—included in full in the book—addressed topics ranging from an analysis of events and war tactics of the Balkan Wars; the impacts of the Treaty of Bucharest on contemporary politics; the challenges currently facing the Republic of Macedonia; and the status of minority Macedonian populations in other Balkan nations.

Dr. Natasha Garrett, UMD Board Member, who is a Director of International Student Services at La Roche College, edited the proceedings. She writes about contemporary migration and frequently presents on international education and cross-cultural communication topics.

Limited copies of this 474-page Macedonia 2013: 100 Years After the Treaty of Bucharest academic journal are available now. Click HERE to purchase your copy/copies.

Previous Dr. Natasha Garrett Named to UMD Board, Donald L. Sazdanoff to UMD Advisory Council


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