Macedonian Diaspora Mourns Tragic Death of Tose

With uttermost sadness, numbness and disbelief the United Macedonian Diaspora received the news this morning of the tragic death of our beloved Tose Proeski.  UMD, its members, and the entire Macedonian Diaspora throughout the world send deepest condolences to Tose’s family, friends and fans worldwide.  Tose will be unforgettable icon for Macedonia.  His devotion to family, religion, childen, and Macedonia will always be remembered, praised and be an inspiration for all of us.  Macedonia lost a true ambassador of Macedonian values, culture, and patriotism.

With uttermost sadness, numbness and disbelief the United Macedonian Diaspora received the news this morning of the tragic death of our beloved Tose Proeski.  UMD, its members, and the entire Macedonian Diaspora throughout the world send deepest condolences to Tose’s family, friends and fans worldwide.  Tose will be unforgettable icon for Macedonia.  His devotion to family, religion, childen, and Macedonia will always be remembered, praised and be an inspiration for all of us.  Macedonia lost a true ambassador of Macedonian values, culture, and patriotism. 

The United Macedonian Diaspora is honored to have been able to collaborate with Tose in one of his last projects – a  humanitarian concert held on October 5th to raise funds for improving the quality of education of primary schools in Macedonia.  Tose sang his heart out for 3 hours in front of the packed city stadium where he re-iterated his devotion for this worthy cause, which raised over $200,000 that evening.  In numerous occasions, he has helped less fortunate children at various organizations and hospitals to demonstrate his unselfish spirit.  In 2004, as a recognition of his continuous humanitarian efforts, Tose was named the regional UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador.

Tose was nationally and internationally respected – one of the most popular Balkan pop stars with platinum sales not only in Macedonia but also in Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, and Bosnia.  UMD joins together with Macedonians throughout the world in remembrance and a national day of mourning.  Tose leaves enormous void in every Macedonian’s life.  Tose truly was bigger than life as we are left to remember him through his eleven music albums and evoke his accomplishments.  Tose, i nie te sakame, We All Love You and Will Always Remember You.

For more visit the following links:

Youtube Tose Videos , BBC, US Embassy


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