ICJ Rules Against Greece in Macedonia Case

UMD would like to bring to your attention the judgment of the International Court of Justice released yesterday in the case Macedonia v. Greece (Application of the Interim Accord of 13 September 1995).>The ICJ in a vote 15:1 found that Greece, by objecting to the admission of Macedonia to NATO, has breached its obligation under Article 11, paragraph 1, of the Interim Accord of 13 September 1995.The only judge to vote in favor of Greece was Emmanuel Roucounas, who is of Greek origin.

In the coming days, UMD will release a statement to the media and public regarding UMD policy on the matter following a special meeting of the UMD Board of Directors.

Click here to read the press release issued by the ICJ on Macedonia v. Greece.

Summary of the judgment can be found by clicking here.

Full judgment by clicking here.

Statement by Macedonian President (in Macedonian)

Statement by Macedonian Prime Minister

Statement by Macedonian Foreign Minister

Statement by Greek Prime Minister

Statement by Greek Foreign Minister

Statement by NATO Secretary-General

Statement by UN envoy Ambassador Matthew Nimetz

Statement by Turkish Foreign Minister

International Media on the ICJ judgment


The Guardian


EuroNews (VIDEO)


Voice of America

The Economist


Branov Media Group

Associated Press

(UMD encourages all to send a letter to the Associated Press regarding the inaccuracies reported in the article, which without doubt are due to the three Greek journalists that contributed to the writing of the article.)

Macedonian Media on the ICJ Judgment

Time.mk (in Macedonian)


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Previous National Post Op-ed: Time to let Macedonia play with the big boys


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