UMD Australia stands in solidarity with the First Nations peoples on January 26th

In the past, Australia Day may have been seen as a time for celebration and unity. But how can we come together when this day is one of mourning for First Nations peoples? The Macedonian diaspora community in Australia knows the devastating impact of having sacred land invaded and cultural identity denied. UMD Australia acknowledges that January 26 is a day to reflect upon, to educate ourselves, and to reassess the circumstances which have allowed us, as Macedonians, to settle, live and work in Australia. We must recognise that the opportunities our multicultural society has been afforded, as a result of European colonisation, have come at the cost of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ rich cultures.

The parallels between Macedonian and First Nations communities’ struggles for self-determination are evident and continue to be a source of concern in 2021. Moving forward, we must focus on being allies with Indigenous communities. We do not hold all the answers, but we are willing to learn and elevate First Nations’ voices. As an organisation we praise the resilience and significant achievements of First Nations peoples in our society. However, they should not have to carry the burden of correcting past wrongs. It is our responsibility to acknowledge the continual injustice that bars Aboriginal communities from accessing the opportunities we often take for granted. This January 26 UMD Australia reaffirms its commitment to Aboriginal sovereignty and justice.

Sovereignty was never ceded.

Previous Изјава на ОМД по повод инаугурацијата на претседателот Бајден и потпретседателката Харис


United Macedonian Diaspora
800 Maine Avenue SW Suite 200 Washington, D.C. 20024

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Mon – Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

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