
UMD Reiterates Support for Macedonia’s Euro-Atlantic Path

The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) met yesterday with the Foreign Minister of the Republic of Macedonia, Nikola Poposki, in Washington, D.C.

During the meeting, UMD reiterated its support for Macedonia’s Euro-Atlantic path and encouraged the Macedonian government to strengthen its efforts abroad to successfully obtain an invitation to join NATO at the Wales Summit in September. UMD commended Minister Poposki for participating in the Atlantic Council’s Toward a Europe Whole and Free conference that included speeches by Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of State John Kerry, and European Commission President José Manuel Barroso.

In regards to the recent elections, UMD encouraged Minister Poposki and his government to rethink its diaspora voting strategies, policies and business practices in order to generate much wider support from the Macedonian diaspora worldwide. UMD strongly believes that reforms in the electoral process need to be conducted to allow easier voter registration processes, and an electronic means of Diaspora voting or via postal ballots, especially in areas were there is no Macedonian embassy or consulate in close vicinity.

UMD also discussed with Minister Poposki the possibility of Macedonia opening consulate generals in Miami, Los Angeles, and in Perth and Sydney in Australia, given the large size of the Macedonian communities and the possibilities of advancing opportunities of foreign investments from those cities.

Left to right: UMD President Metodija A. Koloski, UMD International Policy and Diplomacy Fellow Aleksej Demjanski, Foreign Minister Nikola Poposki, Ambassador Zoran Jolevski, UMD International Policy and Diplomacy Fellow Lidija Velichkovska, and UMD D.C./VA/MD Regional Representative Zhikica Pagovski.

Previous UMD Encourages Rethinking of Macedonia Diaspora Voting Strategies


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