UMDiaspora Thanks Congresswoman Miller

The Honorable Candice Miller

228 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Congresswoman Miller,

The United Macedonian Diaspora would like to thank you for your speech (Long live freedom in Macedonia!) today on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives regarding the Republic of Macedonia and its parliamentarian delegation visiting the U.S. this week. 

Your work and energy in “strengthening democratic institutions by assisting parliaments in emerging democracies,” such as Macedonia through the U.S. House Democracy Assistance Commission is extremely necessary and valuable.  Our organization and the Macedonian-American community are extremely grateful for your support. 

Since the Republic of Macedonia gained independence from communist Yugoslavia in 1991, the U.S. has played a mentor role to this small country that has suffered many tragedies, military assaults and assimilations in the past.  With American support and guidance, the Republic of Macedonia has become a success story in building a stable, multiethnic democratic society in the Balkans. 

Macedonian-Americans are proud of the friendship that the U.S. and Macedonia have developed.  As you are aware, the largest community of Macedonian-Americans is in the State of Michigan. Since arriving in America a century ago, the Macedonian-Americans have strengthened this country through their focus on faith, family, hard work, and investment in their community.  These proud Macedonian-Americans continue to help build a prosperous and diverse America. 

Our organization commends you on your noble work and civil rights advocacy.  We encourage you to continue your support of the Macedonian people’s struggle in achieving freedom and a socio-economically stable democracy.


With kindest regards, 

United Macedonian Diaspora

Should you wish to express gratitude to Congresswoman Miller for her support, you may do so in the following ways:

1. Contact her D.C. office at (202) 225-2106

2. Fax a letter to (202) 226-1169

3. E-mail her staffer Kyle Burleson at


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Previous UMDiaspora Thanks Congresswoman Miller


United Macedonian Diaspora
800 Maine Avenue SW Suite 200 Washington, D.C. 20024

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Mon – Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

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