ACTION ALERT: Help Macedonia and Southeast Europe

Dear Friend of Macedonia,

With the first-ever Congressional Caucus on Macedonia and Macedonian-Americans formed in the history of the U.S. Congress, we are counting on your support to grow the membership of the Caucus.  The formation of the Caucus is a testament of how far we have come in the last century. 

We should all be mindful of former House Majority Leader, Jim Wright’s advice:  He wrote in his book, You and Your Congressman, “If you are wondering whether or not it is really worthwhile to communicate your views to your Congressman, consider this fact, others who disagree with you are doing so constantly.”

UMD is contacting members of Congress to join the Caucus, but it is important that you do the same.  We will be conducting advocacy meetings in Congress from April 25-29, 2011 and need your help beforehand. 

Please send a letter to your Congressman requesting that they join the Caucus by clicking HERE:; then follow up with a phone call to their local office; and/or schedule an appointment to talk with their staff.

In only two minutes, you can help get your member of Congress to join the Caucus.  Please take few extra minutes to send this link to all your family and friends so they can do the same.  They do not need to be Macedonian.

If you have any questions, please call us directly at (202) 756-2244 or e-mail  Please keep us informed of your follow ups, responses you receive back, and let us know if you need any help.

Click here to send your letter:

Please take advantage of this great opportunity to make your voice heard and thank you for contacting your Congressman. 

By the way…are you going to join us in Washington, D.C. for the 3rd Annual UMD Global Conference on June 23-25, 2011?  We will be conducting advocacy in Congress on June 23, and I personally would love to see over 300 people walking the halls of Congress representing the Macedonian cause!  Click here to learn more about the conference:

Most respectfully,

United Macedonian Diaspora

Previous UMD Applauds Hungary’s Support for Macedonia


United Macedonian Diaspora
800 Maine Avenue SW Suite 200 Washington, D.C. 20024

Opening Hours:

Mon – Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

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