Our Unified Voice is Being Heard and Our Efforts Continue!

Dear Friends of Macedonia:

Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones! 

As 2009 draws to an end, UMD is pleased to report that our unified voice is being heard and our efforts continue!


Founded in 2004, United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) is the leading international non-governmental organization addressing the interests and needs of Macedonians and Macedonian communities throughout the world. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., UMD has offices in Melbourne, Australia, and Toronto, Canada, and representatives in Paris, London, Brussels, Vienna, Kiev, St. Petersburg, and Stuttgart.

UMD is a respected voice for the Macedonian Diaspora community worldwide, empowering Macedonian Diaspora grassroots educational advocacy, and informing international policy makers, media and the general public on issues important to Macedonians.  UMD defends the constitutional and rightful name of Macedonia, supports strengthening of bilateral relations with Macedonia, advances the social and economic development of Macedonians, advocates for equal civil rights for all Macedonians, undertakes charitable activity at home and in Macedonia, and promotes Macedonian culture.

As recipients of the UMD E-Newsletter, Media Center Information, and Action Alerts, you are well aware of the UMD’s activities and programs, and can appreciate the substantial human and financial resources our efforts require.  UMD has a volunteer Board of Directors that plans activities and programs that further UMD’s mission and a full time professional staff member who oversees UMD’s day-to-day operations.  UMD therefore still heavily relies on dedicated volunteers globally and your generous financial support to carry out its mission.  Please visit our web site www.umdiaspora.org for more information.

UMD is diligently preparing for projects and challenges in 2010 and your support is crucial to such efforts. 

If you have not already, please become a UMD member now.  If you are already a member, please renew your UMD membership now.  Your membership fee is tax deductible in the United States, as UMD is an Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Becoming a member and contributing is easy, by email, regular mail, fax or on line by clicking HERE.

Needless to say, it is the financial support we receive from you, the Macedonian Diaspora community that is the backbone of our efforts.  Your good minds and dedication to community are the engine and the spirit that drive UMD.

As we move forward into 2010, below are some of the highlights of UMD projects that await your generous support:

Fund for Macedonian Children:  UMD and its partners Splash of Hope and Macedonian Mission for Humanity will target poorer schools in Macedonia and deliver aid to elementary school children.  This aid will be in the form of backpacks, notebooks, pens, pencils, crayons, rulers, erasers, and more.
UMD Australian Operations:  The UMD President will travel to Australia and New Zealand in February 2010 to strengthen UMD Australian operations.  UMD is organizing presentations in almost all communities, a Gala Banquet in Melbourne on February 20, 2010, meetings with Australian policy makers in Canberra and throughout Australia, a luncheon with federal Members of Parliament, and a reception for the diplomatic community in Canberra.

U.S. Census 2010:  UMD and 9 other Macedonian-American organizations have joined hands to form the Macedonian-American 2010 Census Coalition to count Macedonians across the United States in the upcoming 2010 Census. 

UMD Student Outreach and Internship Program:  UMD is reaching out to Macedonian students throughout the world to learn about their needs and encouraging the forming of Macedonian Student Associations on campuses.  UMD has initiated an internship program for students to gain experience in Washington, D.C., and will continue offering those internships in 2010.

UMD Macedonian Heritage Scholarship Program:  UMD granted three scholarships to three exceptional young Macedonians in 2009.  UMD intends to award six scholarships in 2010. 

UMD Macedonian Cultural Awareness and Promotion:  UMD is organizing a screening for the new documentary A Name is A Name in Washington, D.C. on February 1, 2010.  We will also give grants to Macedonian organizations throughout the world organizing events promoting Macedonia’s rich heritage and traditions.  UMD is also organizing a cultural evening on June 4, 2010, in Toronto open to all in conjunction with the 2nd UMD Global Conference. 

UMD Macedonian-American Day on the Hill: UMD will hold its 2nd Macedonian-American Day on the Hill in April, which will bring Macedonian-Americans from across the United States to Washington, D.C. to meet with their members of Congress.

UMD Regional Representatives:  In 2010, UMD is appointing UMD Regional Representatives to serve as the primary UMD contacts for Macedonian Communities around the world.  UMD Regional Representatives will be responsible for organizing local UMD events and for coordinating local efforts with the UMD Headquarters.  The UMD Regional Representative system was implemented in response to members’ desire for more local events and greater interaction amongst UMD Members.

UMD European Operations: UMD is increasing its efforts in Europe.  Early next year UMD will open permanent offices in Brussels and Paris and appoint representatives for Germany, Sweden and Switzerland. 

UMD Voice: UMD publishes a quarterly 32-36 page color magazine, UMD Voice.  We hope that as you enjoy it, you will be inspired to take your proper place in promoting the interests of the global Macedonian Diaspora community. 

UMD Website: UMD’s website receives over 12,000 hits per day.  UMD is working to improve its website and social networking to reach a wider audience internationally.  We have plans to add a Macedonian-language section to our website. 

UMD Global Conference 2010: UMD will hold its 2nd Global Conference in Toronto from June 3-5, 2010, “Building Partnerships,” bringing over 1,000 Macedonians and friends of Macedonia from over 25 countries to discuss topics of interest to the global Macedonian Diaspora community.  Save the Date – we hope you can make it!!

On behalf of UMD, thank you for your belief in, commitment to and support of UMD.  We look forward to another successful year with your ongoing generous support.

CLICK HERE to support UMD’s efforts today!  Please note – Every dollar donated will be matched by the Turkish Coalition of America.

We, at UMD, wish you and your loved ones a very Happy Holiday Season, and a very Happy New Year!


Metodija A. Koloski
United Macedonian Diaspora

Previous Macedonian-American Organizations Form 2010 U.S. Census Coalition


United Macedonian Diaspora
800 Maine Avenue SW Suite 200 Washington, D.C. 20024

Opening Hours:

Mon – Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

United Macedonian Diaspora © 2024. All Rights Reserved