UMD to Honor 1st Canadian MP of Macedonian Heritage Lui Temelkovski at UMD GC2010

UMD is proud to honor Mr. Lui Temelkovski – the first Canadian Member of Parliament of Macedonian heritage – with the UMD Macedonian Heritage Public Service Award at the Canadian-Macedonian Relations luncheon on June 4, 2010, in recognition of his outstanding achievements in the service of Canada and the Macedonian community.

Born in Brajcino, Resensko, Macedonia, Temelkovski immigrated to Canada in 1968, at the age of 13.  His parents became hard working Canadians whose sole aim was to give their children a chance to succeed, and Lui made the most of the opportunities afforded to him by his adoptive country.
Graduating from McMaster University in 1981, Temelkovski went on to build a successful business career in Markham, Ontario, working over 20 years in the insurance industry.  He became very active in community activities, first serving as chairman to the Toronto Caravan Festivals, celebrating Canada’s rich multicultural heritage, and later serving on the Ontario Government’s advisory council on multiculturalism and citizenship.  He also received various awards for his significant contributions, including the 2002 Queen’s Golden Jubilee Award for excellence in public service.
In 2004, Temelkovski was elected federal Member of Parliament for Oak Ridges Markham, the first MP of Macedonian heritage in Canadian history.  He established the first Canada Macedonia Parliamentary Friendship Group, and served on a variety of powerful governmental committees in Ottawa including the Immigration Committee and the International Trade Committee. Re-elected in 2006, Temelkovski was narrowly defeated in the 2008 by a few hundred votes.  He is running for re-election.
“Mr. Speaker, it is a pleasure to rise today to ask the government to recognize the Republic of Macedonia under its constitutional name, which is the Republic of Macedonia and no other.”
– MP Lui Temelkovski, Oak Ridges Markham, introducing Private Member Bill C-443 An Act to recognize the Republic of Macedonia, in Canada’s federal parliament, May 6, 2007                                 
Canada recognized Macedonia by her constitutional name in September 2007.

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Previous UMD Congratulates Macedonia on Council of Europe Chairmanship


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