Donate to help young Andrej

Four-year-old Andrej Zdravkovski, born on July 3rd, 2002, is suffering from a fast growing tumor on the brain stem glioma.  Because of his prognosis, Andrej and his mother traveled urgently to the United States for consultations and intensive treatment at the Burzynski Clinic in Houston, Texas.  


A few days ago, Andrej was rushed back to Macedonia for a critical water-draining procedure in Skopje to be done before the doctors can continue with his tumor treatment. Because of the high cost of his monthly treatment, the doctors at the Burzynski Clinic decided to train Andrej’s Macedonian nurse and doctor on how to administer the treatment they will be shipping from the USA to Macedonia on monthly basis.  This way Andrej can attain his therapy in a home environment. Unfortunately, even under these circumstances, the treatment is too expensive for Andrej’s family and they require financial assistance. The cost for the shipped treatment will be 7,500 USD a month for at least 18 months.

UMD organized a donation drive during our annual Vasilica Celebration, and this contribution will help Andrej attain funding for transportation. However, as mentioned above, larger funds are needed to allow for the ongoing water-draining therapy. Andrej’s family and UMD are very grateful for giving him a chance to live. Please show grace, and donate to help this young life:

Proceeds may also be sent to the following:

Wire to Macedonia:                                                                      

Zdravkovski, Andrej
Account No.
“Tutunska” Bank – Skopje

Checks (for U.S. residents only) please send to:

United Macedonian Diaspora

P.O. Box 19028

Washington, D.C. 20036 

* with note “Appeal for Andrej” 

Or with a credit card through Paypal:

The United Macedonian Diaspora and Andrej’s family are grateful for your support!

Previous Macedonian Woman Saving Children in Sudan


United Macedonian Diaspora
800 Maine Avenue SW Suite 200 Washington, D.C. 20024

Opening Hours:

Mon – Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

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