The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) is excited to welcome Senator Mike Braun of Indiana as the first U.S. Senator to ever join the Congressional Caucus on Macedonia and Macedonian-Americans. Indiana is home to an estimated 70,000-75,000 Americans of Macedonian heritage – a community with over a century of immigration history who has made great economic and entrepreneurial contributions to the Hoosier state.

Senator Braun was elected in 2018, and serves on the Aging Committee, Agriculture Committee, Budget Committee, Environment & Public Works (EPW) Committee, and the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee (HELP) – all areas of significance to Hoosiers. Senator Braun served in the Indiana House of Representatives from 2014 to 2017. In 1981, he founded and was CEO of Meyer Distributing, a company he built in his hometown of Jasper, Indiana that employs hundreds of Americans across the country.

“Macedonian-Americans have played a unique part in building Indiana and our country, and I’m proud to join the Caucus on Macedonia and Macedonian Americans. I look forward to learning more about their history and continuing to support our Hoosier Macedonian community.”Senator Mike Braun

“As the UMD Chair for the State of Indiana, having Senator Braun join the Macedonia Caucus is incredibly exciting. Indiana has two large Macedonian communities, most notably in greater Fort Wayne, and Schererville, Merrillville, Crown Point regions. We estimate the aggregate of the two respective communities to be in excess of 70,000-75,000, and we have a rich history of community involvement.”Argie N. Bellio, UMD Indiana Chair.

The Congressional Caucus on Macedonia and Macedonian-Americans (Macedonia Caucus) is a bi-partisan and with Senator Braun’s joining, a bi-cameral, group of members of Congress. As the voice for Macedonian-Americans in Washington, D.C., UMD looks forward to working with all Macedonia Caucus members in furthering their work to strengthen U.S.-Macedonia relations.

To get more involved in UMD’s educational advocacy work, please contact UMD National Advocacy Director Marija Georgievski at

To invite your Senator or Representative to join the Macedonia Caucus, click here to send a letter. It takes less than a minute.