UMD is pleased to introduce our five new Summer 2019 International Policy and Diplomacy Fellows – Taylor Clark, Nicole Fisher, Mathew Gutmann, Victoria Pollock, and Jacob Ramos – who will be interning at the UMD global headquarters in Washington, D.C. through mid-August.

Since 2008, UMD has hosted over 90 undergraduate and graduate students interested in Macedonia, Southeast Europe, U.S. foreign policy, human rights, and Trans-Atlantic relations.

“It really is one of the best experiences in Washington, D.C., and our interns get practical knowledge into how this city operates – a perfect introduction to anyone looking to advance in a career in foreign policy, journalism, public relations, human rights, advocacy, government, or the nonprofit sector,” said UMD President Metodija A. Koloski. “Our interns realize very quickly there is never a dull moment at UMD while advocating and promoting Macedonian causes – a great way to gain a deeper understanding of the complexity of the Balkans.”

Intern responsibilities include monitoring legislation and congressional hearings; acting as a liaison between UMD and Congressional offices, advocating on subjects vital to the diaspora; attending events throughout Washington, D.C.; conducting research on issues affecting Macedonia and Southeast Europe, among other tasks.

“I am so delighted for this summer’s intern class. We have chosen a solid team of individuals who within the first two weeks have already gone above and beyond and exceeded all of our expectations. They all have such bright futures ahead of them and I am honored to be a part of their journey,” said UMD Generation M Global Co-Chair Kristina Dimitrievski.

Applications for Fall 2019 Interns are open now. Click HERE to apply.

Biographies of Interns:

Taylor Clark is a rising senior at Loyola Marymount University (LMU), in Los Angeles CA, planning on receiving her degree in International Relations with a minor in Sociology. At LMU, Taylor is involved in various activities. She is the Vice President of Sigma Iota Rho, the national International Relations Honors Society. This opportunity has not only allowed her to network with students and faculty but also with other academics outside of LMU. During this next academic year, Taylor will be one of the Senators for Diversity and Inclusion in LMU’s student government. Her platform was based on political inclusivity and she plans on using her time at UMD to develop skills necessary to be successful in this position. Long term, she plans on pursuing her master in International Affairs, with hopes of working for the State Department. Though Taylor does not have a connection to Macedonia, she hopes to learn more about the region and the sociological and cultural effects of the political decisions being made. She also hopes to develop an understanding of multinational politics as well as learn more about the interconnected history of the region.

Nicole Fisher is an Undergraduate Student at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) in Indiana, Pennsylvania. Nicole is a graduating senior earning two degrees in Applied Anthropology with a focus on culture and linguistics and International Studies with a concentration in International Political Systems. She holds an OPIC language certification in French and has done extensive coursework on various religions and theologies as an Undergraduate. Originally from Johnstown, Pennsylvania, Nicole has lived and studied abroad in Helsinki, Finland through her university and in Brussels, Belgium as a Youth Ambassador with Rotary International. She hopes to continue her studies at the Graduate level. Following graduation, Nicole aims to pursue a career in the Diplomatic core as a cultural attaché for the United States of America. Her geographic areas of interests include Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa and Central Asia. Her interests include traveling, writing, playing soccer and spending time outdoors. Although Nicole is not Macedonian, she hopes her time with United Macedonian Diaspora will provide opportunities to learn more about the country, its people and its culture.

Mathew Gutmann, who goes by the nickname Mat, was born in Atlanta, Georgia in 1998. He has lived in five different states in the U.S. as well as in Brussels, Belgium. In high school, Mathew played baseball, basketball, wrestling, track, and cross-country, which won the George State Championship for three consecutive years. Mathew is currently enrolled at Auburn University as a rising Senior. He is majoring in Political Science with concentrations in International Affairs and Comparative Politics as well as minoring in Business and French. Mathew is taking classes at George Mason University this summer while interning with the United Macedonian Diaspora. While not of Macedonian birth himself, Mathew finds the mission of UMD to be respectable and exciting. Mathew wants to work with the U.S. State Department in the Foreign Service after graduate school. His dream is to raise awareness of all peoples to demonstrate the similarities shared by all mankind.

Victoria Pollock is a rising Senior at Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, where she is majoring in Political Science and Pre-law with a minor in Anthropology. Starting from a young age, she has had interests in volunteering, history, and global issues. All of which influenced her passion for the law and assisting others by any means necessary. During her time at Bloomsburg, Victoria was recently inducted as a member of the Lambda Alpha National Anthropology Honor Society for having a GPA of 3.89 in her Anthropology minor. Victoria is also a member of a sorority at her university and holds the position of Recruitment Chair. In this position, she is responsible for outreach and organizing events, during the academic year, to share information to potential members. While Victoria plans on attending law school in the near future, she is currently determined to gain as much hands-on experience as she can through her internship with UMD. Throughout her time at UMD, Victoria is excited to further her knowledge on international law and international relations, while also gaining more insight on the history, culture and politics of Macedonia.

Jacob Ramos is an Undergraduate student at the University of Central Florida (UCF) in Orlando, Florida. He is a rising Senior pursuing a major in Political Science with a focus on American Government and Policy. He was born in Maryland but raised in Jacksonville, Florida.

He spends most of his time in his studies as well as working a part-time job at Panda Express to fund his way thru his University Experience. Jacob enjoys music and has been a Percussionist for 7 years. He started in his Middle School Band and played thru his Junior College years, even taking time to teach young children the basics of Percussion and Drum techniques. While Jacob is not Macedonian, he was touched, when researching the Organization, to see the amount of hardships that Macedonian people have had to face throughout their existence. Even though he intends to graduate in a year, Jacob is still unsure how he wishes to use his major, thinking he may even want to teach in his later years or possibly participate in National Government. Either way, he wishes to make the most of his time at UMD by putting forth maximum effort and compatibility to make great connections with those around him by showing his core values of: Workability, Intensity and Integrity.