Greece, at one point in its history, was the founder of democracy and could boast itself to be the champion of human enlightenment and freedom. Unfortunately, that history is just that, history, and bears no resemblance to the reality of contemporary Greece.

Earlier today, the Greek Foreign Minister, Nikos Kotzias, blocked UMD President, Metodija A. Koloski, on Twitter, without any known reason. This action was completely unprovoked as Koloski used no vulgar language or anything else that would warrant being blocked. This is representative of the Greek government’s usual tactics when dealing with the Macedonian issue. Rather than showing a willingness to engage in open and constructive dialogue to reach a solution to this farcical dispute, the Greek government attempts to silence the other side because it knows that history, facts, and logic are against it.

Greece does not recognize the very existence of a separate Macedonian ethnicity, language, or people in Greece. Greek citizens of Macedonian identity do in fact exist and are not granted by the Greek state basic human rights of freedom of speech, press, assembly, or religion.

Despite these tactics, UMD refuses to be silenced and will continue to, with the help of its supporters, advocate for the global Macedonian community, our homeland and its rightful name – Macedonia, human rights for all, and our values.

UMD seeks to collaborate with the greater international community by promoting universal ideals of peace, freedom, self-determination, equality, and justice.

United, We Can.

Keep up the pressure:

Purchase a copy of Macedonia 2013: 100 Years After The Treaty of Bucharest and donate to your local library.

If you are a student, put a request at your university library to do the same. Harvard University, Stanford University, University of Chicago, George Washington University, University of Pittsburgh, La Roche College, University of California, Berkeley, and the Library of Congress all have a copy of the book thanks to encouragement and donations by faculty or students with a Macedonian connection.

Make a donation of only $10 to UMD’s $10 from 10,000 Macedonians campaign.

Renew your UMD Membership.

Today, we cannot sit by the sidelines. Today, we must act.

Will you join us?