Dan Masin, a first-generation Macedonian Canadian, is seeking to fill the seat for MP that would represent the Simcoe North region of Canada. Masin is running for Candidacy to run in the general election for the Conservative Party. The current MP for Simcoe North is Bruce Stanton, also the Deputy Speaker for the House of Commons, who is planning to retire, which leaves the seat wide open.

Masin shared that his father and Dedo always gave back to the community. His father was not only a founding member of the Canadian Macedonian Place but a man that was committed to donating his services to other Macedonians. This sense of civic duty inspired Masin from a very young age as he has engaged with politics since his teenage years. As a person of Macedonian heritage, Masin stated that if elected, he would be the only Macedonian serving as an MP in Parliament. He shared that he will focus on strengthening the ties between Canada and Macedonia.

Masin, a Mortgage Broker by trade knows firsthand what it is like to work with people. Masin feels he is uniquely qualified because with his professional experiences he has been able to develop negotiating skills, the ability to hear opposing opinions, and additionally bring both sides together. These are valuable skills when serving a role in the Canadian Parliament due to the rigorous debates and different points of view. The Conservative Party on Canada’s website states that it:

Is founded on the principles of peace and freedom in the world stage; responsible management of taxpayers’ money; a welcoming land of refuge for the world’s persecuted and afflicted; the defense of clean Canadian technologies; and a clear understanding of responsibilities between levels of government.

Masin shared that under this Liberal form of Government, Canada is at a historic debt level and that a representative from the Budgetary Office stated that at this level of spending the Canadian government will be bankrupt in 1-2 years. As a result, “I feel obligated to step up and serve all Canadians,” said Masin.

In August of 2020, Canada’s current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau temporarily suspended Parliament due to his Ethics Controversy that prevented members of Parliament from doing their jobs. This ethics controversy has caused several investigations being completed by multiple parliamentary committees looking into the WE Charity Contract. Because Canada’s Parliament is currently under a Minority Government model and because Trudeau is in hot water, other parties are preparing for potential early Parliamentary elections as early as next year. Masin is hoping to be officially nominated by the Conservative Party of the Simcoe North region.

Simcoe North, approximately just under a two-hour drive from Toronto is a community with both diverse and indigenous populations. Outside of Quebec, it has the highest number of French-speaking constituents per capita. It also holds a plethora of history and is home to sites where the British and the American armies fought. Many people are moving to Simcoe North because it is affordable and family-friendly.

Masin, who shared that being Macedonian is a crucial part of his life, feels that running for office is his obligation because to make change happen, you have to get involved. As Macedonians, we should all support each other, especially those pursuing public office to allow for the Macedonian voice to be heard at all levels of government. To reach candidate Dan Masin you may email him at danmasin4cpc@gmail.com.

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