UMD Voice

Catching up with ESNAF

Generation M’s Australia Representative, Stefani Taskova Miteva got the full scoop on the Macedonian social enterprise, ESNAF. Any opinions or views expressed …

Being the first in your family to go to college or to study abroad inevitably pushes you to consider how your decisions …

Ever since I could remember, my parents were adamant that I attend college. Being first-generation, however, meant accepting that I would have …

The small landlocked nation at the heart of the Balkans recently made the transition from ‘the country formally known as’ to the …

Think of any European Union member state; wouldn’t you envision it holding up core European Union values? Well, unfortunately, for the ethnic …

The first part of the ‘YOU DON’T EXIST’ series focused on the experiences of young Macedonians living in Greece. The second part …

In the discourse of the Macedonian naming dispute, a range of issues are discussed by the two conflicting sides, ranging from Alexander …

Генерација М, програма за млади лидери на Обединетата Македонска Дијаспора (ОМД), со гордост ја објавува својата најнова crowdfunding кампања Можеме #ЗаедноОдДома. “Можеме …

Generation M, the United Macedonian Diaspora’s (UMD) young leaders program is proud to announce its new crowdfunding initiative We Can #TogetherFromHome. “We …

For quite some time, members of the Greek society have held a commonplace belief that Macedonians are constantly “stealing” the history of …


United Macedonian Diaspora
800 Maine Avenue SW Suite 200 Washington, D.C. 20024

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