UMD Partners With US-Balkans Business Summit

December 12, 2010 – Washington, D.C. – The State of Maryland, the US-Balkans Business Alliance and the Port of Baltimore hosted a business event last week for the Western Balkan countries and the United States.  The event gathered 40 American companies and organizations as well as ambassadors from Western Balkan countries.


The main purpose of the event was to explain to American companies the economic benefits that the Western Balkan has to offer.  The event promoted the very first economic summit between the Western Balkans and the United States, which is going to be held on March 23-24 2011 in Baltimore, Maryland.

 The Macedonian Ambassador in the United States, Dr. Zoran Jolevski, said that Macedonia is committed to bringing American businesses to invest and do business in Macedonia.  “We are thankful to the State of Maryland for its support in hosting the summit.  Macedonia looks forward to participating in the summit,” stated Ambassador Jolevski.

The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) is pleased to announce its partnership with the US-Balkans Business Alliance in supporting the US-Balkans Business Summit.  Through various panel discussions and workshops, the Summit will assist in developing a dialogue to further increase trade and investment between the Western Balkans and the United States.  The Summit is open to senior public officials and private business leaders interested in doing business in the Western Balkans and will focus on a cross-section of industries with growing potential in the Western Balkans, including, but not limited to, energy, defense and aerospace, information technology, medical equipment, manufacturing, tourism, and transportation.

“UMD believes its support of the Summit is important in order to showcase the economic potential of the region, especially Macedonia, and in attracting foreign direct investment into the region,” stated UMD Board Member and Director of Economic Development Ivona Grimberg.

 Maryland Secretary of State John McDonough said that US-Balkans Business Summit will attract companies throughout the United States.  “Maryland ties to the region are deep.  Maryland also has the very important military National Guard relationship with Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the State of Maryland is also the first state in the United States to have a trade office in the region dedicated to developing trade and investment between Maryland and the Western Balkans.  This office is located in Podgorica, Montenegro,” stated Secretary McDonough.

The President of the US- Balkans Business Alliance, Charles Dillon, said this is the first time a regional business summit like this has been held with the United States.  “I believe it is particularly important that it is being held in the United States – where American companies are from.  Promoting the countries from the region together as a whole is the best way to attract American businesses,” stated Dillon.

To learn more about the Summit, click here: 

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