United Macedonian Diaspora

Generation M 2019: A Year in Review

In 2019, Generation M – UMD’s young leaders’ program – worked towards uniting Macedonian youth from all over the world in numerous ways. Through exposing the diaspora to established Macedonian creators in various media, aiding Macedonian youth in their professional lives and allowing them to express their opinions on certain topics through writing for UMD Voice, the Macedonian community has the ability to grow stronger and closer with each effort. In the past year, Generation M has accomplished so much in the following ways:


           After UMD kicked off the year with their 14th Annual Macedonian Old New Year’s Masquerade in Washington, DC on January 12, which hosted over 120 attendees, Generation M began planning their own social and networking events in cities all over the globe as well as supporting young Macedonians in their careers and ambitions. These include:

Generation M also played an integral part in organizing screenings of director Jani Bojadzi’s film Mocking of Christ across Canada and the US. The screenings reached over 1,000 viewers in the following cities:

The Toronto screening on March 24th was especially notable as it consisted of 200+ attendees alone after selling out twice, a great accomplishment for the community. This is suitable as Generation M also partook in aiding in the community’s annual Macedonian Film Festival in Toronto later on, during the weekend of October 18th to 21st.

As well, screenings of director Gjorce Stavreski’s Secret Ingredient were held in 3 American cities:

Generation M also created opportunities for youth to expand their knowledge on various topics regarding Macedonia, most notably at the 5th Macedonian-American Leadership Conference held in Miami on the weekend of February 8th-10th, hosting over 50 attendees. This opened up discussion for matters such as U.S.-Macedonia relations and women’s role in leadership and making progress in our communities.

Events were also held to expand youths’ knowledge of Generation M’s activities as well, especially for the Birthright Macedonia program, which celebrated its 5th anniversary this past summer. Information sessions on the program, totalling over 100 attendees, were held in the following cities:

Generation M also had the opportunity to host Professional Foundations with Aleks. Consisting of a three-part series, Aleksandra Trpkoska held online workshops once a month via Facebook Live that covered main topics in the scope of continuing education and professional development for youth. The series has gained over 6,700 views and counting, allowing many to gain insight on topics such as budgeting, job interviews and résumés. 

UMD Voice

Generation M also took initiative for youth to express themselves by writing for UMD Voice online magazine blog. The articles vary greatly amongst topics and styles, totalling to over 22,000 reads, the articles consisted of the following:

If you are looking to write for UMD Voice, submit your articles to editor@umdiaspora.org


Generation M has continued to pursue many initiatives that cater to developing Macedonian youth in the professional world while still keeping them connected to their heritage. One of Generation M’s greater initiatives is the Birthright Macedonia program, which completed its 5th run-through this year, hosting nine participants who were able to gain Macedonian experience in their field of choice this past summer.

If you are a youth between the ages of 18-29 looking to do the same apply here today for 2020.

A little closer to home, Generation M also supported the UMD fellowship in Washington DC year-round. Hosting a total of 9 fellows in the past year, the program has provided a starting point for youth who aim to enter careers in fields such as foreign policy, journalism, advocacy, government, and more. 

Apply to be a fellow in the next session here.

The Bitove Scholarship takes focus on helping Macedonian youth financially as they pursue their studies. The program this year has been able to provide scholarships to 11 Macedonian students in various degrees. 

Learn more about the Bitove Scholarship’s 2019 recipients here.

Overall, Generation M has been able to make great strides in 2019, but this is only the beginning. Generation M will constantly aim to unite, empower, and educate Macedonian youth, and will grow in the various ways we aim to do so. We hope the new year will bring more opportunities, successes and motivation for many years to come. 

To be involved in Generation M’s successes in the new year register here.

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