United Macedonian Diaspora

UMD Voice

Catching up with ESNAF

Generation M’s Australia Representative, Stefani Taskova Miteva got the full scoop on the Macedonian social enterprise, ESNAF. Any opinions or views expressed …

Being the first in your family to go to college or to study abroad inevitably pushes you to consider how your decisions …

Ever since I could remember, my parents were adamant that I attend college. Being first-generation, however, meant accepting that I would have …

The small landlocked nation at the heart of the Balkans recently made the transition from ‘the country formally known as’ to the …

Think of any European Union member state; wouldn’t you envision it holding up core European Union values? Well, unfortunately, for the ethnic …

The first part of the ‘YOU DON’T EXIST’ series focused on the experiences of young Macedonians living in Greece. The second part …

In the discourse of the Macedonian naming dispute, a range of issues are discussed by the two conflicting sides, ranging from Alexander …

Генерација М, програма за млади лидери на Обединетата Македонска Дијаспора (ОМД), со гордост ја објавува својата најнова crowdfunding кампања Можеме #ЗаедноОдДома. “Можеме …

Generation M, the United Macedonian Diaspora’s (UMD) young leaders program is proud to announce its new crowdfunding initiative We Can #TogetherFromHome. “We …

For quite some time, members of the Greek society have held a commonplace belief that Macedonians are constantly “stealing” the history of …

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