United Macedonian Diaspora

UMD Joins MHRMI #OurNameisMacedonia Campaign

The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD), based in Washington, D.C., is pleased to announce its unequivocal support for the #OurNameisMacedonia Campaign, spearheaded by Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI), based in Toronto, Canada. At the same time, UMD would like to thank MHRMI for supporting the #WeAreMacedonia Campaign.

UMD, who recently spearheaded the #WeAreMacedonia global grassroots protest movement in front of the Embassy of Macedonia in Washington, D.C. and the United Nations in New York City, joins MHRMI in demanding that the Macedonian authorities end all negotiations and talks to change Macedonia’s rightful and historical name, and to stop all attacks upon Macedonia’s unitary territorial integrity.

UMD expresses its utmost gratitude to MHRMI and its campaign partners for leading this campaign since 2010 by placing billboards (pictured) throughout Macedonia, by taking out advertisements in Macedonian newspapers and publications, as well as urging Macedonians and friends of Macedonia to mobilize behind the campaign.

Macedonia is the only nation in the world that cannot be called by its very own name at the United Nations. A total of 137 nations have already recognized Macedonia by its rightful name, which is about two-thirds of the United Nations General Assembly. This includes four out of the five UN Permanent Security Council members.

Under the rule of international law, there is no precedent granting to any government the power or authority to dictate to an independent sovereign nation what its name should be.

As established by the U.N. Committee on Human Rights, worldwide diplomatic recognition of the state of Macedonia under its name the “Republic of Macedonia” is indispensable, just, and mandatory.

We call on the United Nations, the European Union, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and those nations who have not yet done so, to formally convey full diplomatic recognition to Macedonia under its name, the “Republic of Macedonia.”

UMD reiterates its unwavering support for retention of the one and only rightful name of Macedonia, rejects all attempts to change or impose any other name upon Macedonia and the Macedonian people, and calls upon the Macedonian government to cease the ongoing UN talks and to submit a resolution before the UN General Assembly to be re-admitted to the UN under its one and only rightful name — the Republic of Macedonia.

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