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UMDiaspora Condemns Terrorist Attacks on Vratnica Police Station

UMDiaspora condemns the recent terrorist attacks by Albanian militants on the police station in the Macedonian town of Vratnica in the early hours of July 12, 2005.

In recent weeks, Albanian militant groups have been regrouping in the villages of Kondovo, Brest, and Tanushevci and have threatened to terrorize the citizens of Macedonia once again in their pursuit of creating a Greater Albania. 

The coalition government led by the Social Democratic Union of Macedonia and the Democratic Union for Integration of the Republic of Macedonia has done everything in its power to fully implement the Ohrid Framework Agreement. 

Macedonia grants full civil rights to its minority groups and is an example to the rest of the Balkans and the world in its fight to end human discrimination and provide civil rights. 

The United Macedonian Diaspora calls upon the coalition government of the Republic of Macedonia to stand strong against these militant groups and to not allow these groups to destabilize Macedonia and the wider Balkan region.The responsible parties for this terrorist act should be brought to justice. Further, all political parties in Macedonia should condemn such extremist behavior.

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