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UMD welcomes press increase

The United Macedonian Diaspora has welcomed increased news coverage of the name change debacle. Broader coverage has been achieved of the plight of ethnic Macedonians in Greece and Bulgaria whose governments deny their existence.

A column by UMD’s Alastair Stewart was published in The Times. It draws on parallels between a maybe independent Scotland and Macedonia’s tragic experience on the world stage. Despite a 2017 Friendship Treaty, Bulgaria continues to block Macedonia’s ascension to the European Union.

UMD continues to strongly oppose the stipulations laid out in the Friendship Treaty and the 2018 Prespa Agreement. Both caveat capitulations on Macedonian identity and culture, which contravene Macedonia’s right to self-determination as defined by the United Nations.

Broader news coverage follows UMD’s work with media teams across the world to ignite interest in the illegitimacy of the treaties and the pressures face by ordinary Macedonians as a result.

Efforts are underway to continue exposing these treaties which restrict and deny the very Macedonian cultural identity they claim to uphold.

Meto Koloski, UMD President, said:

“A massive part of our work involves awareness. There are so many I’ve spoken to around the globe who are sympathetic to what’s happening to Macedonia but simply don’t know about it on a rolling basis.

“Part of our emphasis in 2020 has been to raise the profile of UMD through action, not just words.

“We’ve raised hundreds of thousands of dollars, but we need the help of all members and friends to push the message of the Macedonian cause. This is critical when bigger governments like Bulgaria are pushing for the most humiliating of defeats against Macedonia on the world stage.

“Grassroots diplomacy is the only way to push for meaningful change when everyone is aware of what is happening and how they can help.

“This will be a centerpiece of our work in 2021. Donate today and join us on social media and please, please share.”



About UMD

The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) is a leading international non-governmental organization promoting the interests and needs of Macedonians and Macedonian communities worldwide.

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The Times article by Alastair Stewart: Post-independence UK would hold all cards over Scotland / (PDF)

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