Site icon United Macedonian Diaspora

UMD Voice Spring 2010 is Here!

Dear UMD Voice Readers,

The Macedonians are one of those rare nations where the number of people outside of the home country’s borders may actually exceed the number within. Therefore, the Macedonian Diaspora is not only a part of the Macedonian identity, but it is actually a huge part of that identity, with substantial satellite communities around the world.

Like no other organization, UMD is positioned to unite these communities in their common cause, to organize, to advocate and to educate. This long-awaited Spring 2010 Issue of UMD Voice reflects the international nature of our organization like never before.

Highlights include:

It is also a great honor that UMD has chosen my hometown of Toronto as the location for its upcoming 2010 Global Conference, at the Sheraton Hotel, on June 3rd to 6th. Building on last year’s huge success in Washington, UMD GC2010 promises to be a fantastic event. For full details and registration, please visit:
Finally, I would like to thank all of you, the UMD membership, for making this organization possible. Your enthusiasm and energy for the cause is incredible, and we hope this magazine makes you proud.
Click here to read UMD Voice.


Mark Branov
Editor, UMD Voice Magazine


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