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UMD Urges Resolution of Differences in Macedonia Through Dialogue

The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD), the leading voice of Macedonians abroad, is concerned by the recent developments in Macedonia’s Parliament during the 2013 Budget vote, including the violent confrontations inside and outside of the Parliament building.  UMD strongly urges all parties and citizens of Macedonia to remain calm and to work together to resolve their differences.  

“Macedonia needs statesmanship from its elected officials, and for all parties to get back to the negotiation table,” said UMD President Metodija A. Koloski.  “Such incidents harm the image of Macedonia in the eyes of the international community, and risk Macedonia’s progress towards Euro-Atlantic integration, a goal which all major parties claim to publically support.”  

Since independence in 1991, Macedonia has instituted a wide variety of needed reforms in its efforts to join NATO and the EU.  Although many challenges remain, the country has stabilized its economic fundamentals, and it has emerged as a net exporter of security, making key contributions to regional and international NATO missions.  We encourage Macedonia’s leaders to continue on the path of democratic reform and economic development, and to build on those past successes.  


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