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UMD to Honor Slovenian Prime Minister at Upcoming Gala in Chicago

May 15, 2012 – Washington, D.C. – The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) is proud to announce that His Excellency Janez Jansa, the Prime Minister of Slovenia, will be presented with UMD’s highest honor – the UMD Goce Delchev Award – at a Gala, this Saturday, May 19, 2012, in honor of His Excellency Dr. Gjorge Ivanov, the President of Macedonia, in advance of the NATO Summit in Chicago.  The Macedonian community of Slovenia, estimated between 17,000 – 20,000, applauded UMD’s decision today.  To learn more or to attend the Gala, please click HERE: (Chicago Gala in Honor of Macedonian President – May 19, 2012 ).

“It is an honor that we are able to present this Award to Prime Minister Jansa personally in Chicago.  His leadership has improved the already close ties between Macedonia and Slovenia, and we look forward to his leadership and assistance in completing Macedonia’s goals of NATO and EU membership,” said UMD Chairman Stojan Nikolov. 

The global Macedonian Diaspora community is extremely grateful for Prime Minister Jansa’s courageous leadership in international affairs and close friendship with Macedonia.  Slovenia has been one of the key allies to Macedonia in support of the country’s NATO and EU aspirations since both countries established full diplomatic relations on March 17, 1992, and numerous Slovenian companies are investing in Macedonia’s economy. 

“Knowing the role Prime Minister Jansa plays in solidifying Slovenia’s relations with Macedonia, the Macedonian community of Slovenia applauds UMD for recognizing his contributions, particularly in regards to Slovenia’s avid support for Macedonia’s NATO and EU membership,” said Macedonian Community of Slovenia Vice President Boban Pijanmanov today from the city of Maribor.

The Goce Delchev Award is UMD’s highest honor and the recipient of this award is selected based on the impact that they have had on Macedonians around the world, their record of public service, and their advancement of justice, peace, democracy, personal freedom and economic opportunity.  It is named after the famous 19th century Macedonian leader Goce Delchev who fought for Macedonian independence from the Ottoman Empire.  Delchev’s cosmopolitan views are epitomized by his well-known quote, “I understand the world solely as a field for cultural competition among the peoples.”

The UMD Board of Directors unanimously selected Prime Minister Jansa as the second recipient of this Award, for his impact on Macedonia and Macedonians globally.  In 2010, the Award was given to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, for his role in Canada’s full recognition of Macedonia’s constitutional name and ethnic heritage, and strong support for Macedonia in the international arena.


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