Site icon United Macedonian Diaspora

UMD to attend MHRMI Banquet

On April, 21st, representatives of the United Macedonian Diaspora will attend a gala banquet organized by the Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI). As guests of honor of this event, there will be distinguished leaders and human rights activists from the Macedonian minorities in Albania, Bulgaria, and Greece. The speaker guests will be  

 Their speeches will be followed by a video presentation of their activities.

This event will be held on Saturday, April 21, 2007 at the

Macedonian Orthodox Cathedral “St. Clement of Ohrid”

76 Overlea Boulevard
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

6:00pm – In the Clement Room Hall A 

The admission for this event is $100. For more information, please visit the MHRMI website or contact the MHRMI at:

Phone: (416) 850 – 7125
Fax (416) 850 – 7127

The United Macedonian Diaspora will host the representatives next week in Washington, D.C., prior to their trips to Detroit, New Jersey, New York, and Florida.

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