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UMD Sends Letter of Gratitude to Canadian PM

Please take a moment of your time to send a thank you note to Prime Minister Harper by clicking HERE and the Foreign Ministry by clicking HERE

September 20, 2007

The Right Honorable Stephen Harper
Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A2

Dear Prime Minister Harper,

The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) expresses its gratitude to the Government of Canada for its judicious decision to recognize the Republic of Macedonia by its constitutional name and for its continued support for Macedonia’s North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) aspirations.

The right of a sovereign state and its people to self-identification is irrefutable, and your Government’s recognition and support of this most fundamental right will forever remain a testament to the Canadian spirit of justice and democracy.  The aggressive and irrational stance of the Greek Government towards Macedonia’s name has been a source of tension and instability in the region for the past 16 years.  However, by recognizing Macedonia’s legal and historical name, Canada has contributed to the peace and stability in Southeast Europe.

One further contribution towards the security and prosperity of the region will be your Government’s support for the Republic of Macedonia’s invitation to join NATO next year at the Bucharest Conference.  The Republic of Macedonia has implemented a wide range of political, economic and military reforms.  It has also contributed to the war on terror by providing combat troops to Iraq and Afghanistan to fight alongside other international forces, including Canadian troops.

The United Macedonian Diaspora hopes that the friendship between the Canadian and Macedonian people remains strong and that further cooperation in political, economic and cultural spheres is forthcoming.


Metodija A. Koloski



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