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UMD Lauds Pension Deal Between Canada and Macedonia

November 2, 2011 – Toronto, Canada – The United Macedonian Diaspora (Canada) lauds the implementation of a new bilateral Canadian-Macedonian agreement, allowing Canadians who worked in Macedonia, or Macedonians who worked in Canada, to apply for pension and other benefits from either or both countries. UMD Canada has been a proponent of such agreement since being founded in 2008.

“This Agreement demonstrates the spirit of partnership and collaboration between our two countries,” said The Honourable Diane Finley, Canada’s Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development.  “It recognizes the valuable contribution Canadians and Macedonians have made to society during their working life.”

Ministry officials also pointed out that Canadian companies will continue to make CPP contributions for their employees in Macedonia, and will be exempt from making local pension contributions, while the same is true for Macedonian companies with workers in Canada.  The goal is to give companies operating in each other’s market a competitive advantage, to spur economic cooperation and trade.

“Canada’s relationship with Macedonia has matured, and it is a hopeful sign.  The Social Security Agreement proves that both countries are cooperating at the highest levels,” said UMD Director of Canadian Operations Jim Daikos.  “Canada has recognized that the close cultural ties between the Canadian-Macedonian Diaspora and the Republic of Macedonia represent an opportunity for real economic and political cooperation between Canada and Macedonia.” 

Read Canadian Government Press Release, by clicking HERE.

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