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UMD Joins Coalition for the National Museum of the American People

March 25, 2009, Washington, D.C. –The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) today joined the Coalition for the National Museum of the American People.  The coalition comprises an alliance of ethnic organizations (Iranian, Irish, Italian, Jewish, and Polish to name a few) who have come together to promote the establishment of a major new national museum in Washington, D.C.  The story of Macedonian-Americans will be part of the Museum’s collection and its legacy.

The Museum of the American People will tell the story of the making of the American people, starting with the first migrations some 20,000 years ago, through the waves of migration and immigration that led up to the present day.  It would highlight the diversity and richness of the cultures from which we came and emphasize the right to both an original identity and an American identity.

In September of 2008, Congressmen Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) and Tim Bishop (D-NY) introduced legislation (H.R. 6883) calling on Congress to consider the establishment of the National Museum of the American People.  The legislation would establish a Presidential Commission to study the establishment of the Museum.  The commission would be appointed by the President and Congress and be charged with exploring such issues as the cost and fundraising plan to build and operate the Museum, site of the Museum, and details of the story that the Museum would tell.  Congressmen Hinchey and Bishop plan to re-introduce the legislation in late March.

Inclusion in the coalition to establish the National Museum of the American People means that UMD, thus Macedonian-Americans, will be listed as a coalition member and will assist in gaining support on Capitol Hill for the establishment of a national commission to study the proposal.  If the legislation is passed, coalition members may have the opportunity to present nominees for the commission to the President and Congressional leaders and suggest scholars who might assist with the story that the Museum would tell about Macedonian-Americans, among others.

Click here to learn more about the effort to establish the National Museum of the American People.


Founded in 2004, United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) is the leading international non-governmental organization addressing the interests and needs of Macedonians and Macedonian communities throughout the world.
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