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UMD Congratulates Macedonia on Successful Elections, Expects Resolution on Voting Incidents

WASHINGTON, D.C. – June 2, 2008 – The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) congratulates the Macedonian citizens, the Macedonian government, and all participants in Sunday’s election for conducting parliamentary elections that generally conformed to fair and democratic standards.  Macedonia’s elections once again demonstrated that the Republic of Macedonia successfully functions as a stable multi-ethnic democracy governed by the rule of law.

UMD congratulates the winners of the elections and hopes that no time will be lost in the creation of a stable, viable, and responsible government for the next four years.  UMD hopes that the new government will continue to attract foreign investors to Macedonia and will implement reforms aimed at improving the economy.  Moreover, UMD expects that the new government will continue working towards Euro-Atlantic integration while firmly protecting Macedonia’s constitutional name and the Macedonian identity.

At the same time, UMD is saddened and concerned over the incidents reported in several electoral precincts in ethnic Albanian communities where small groups of Macedonian-Albanians motivated by their own petty agendas rather than the welfare of their nation and of all of Macedonia’s citizens, including their fellow Macedonian-Albanians, engaged in acts of voter intimidation and caused other electoral abnormalities.  Such conduct is an affront to all Macedonian citizens and to the principles of freedom and democracy that have allowed Macedonia to pursue its Euro-Atlantic integration.

UMD calls for a repeat of voting in precincts where irregularities occurred to assure that the outcome represents the will of the people.  Furthermore, UMD hopes that all political leaders in Macedonia will demonstrate the maturity expected from the leaders of a NATO and EU candidate by denouncing, in clear and unequivocal terms, any violence perpetrated in the name of their respective political party, and that the Macedonian government will investigate incidents of election irregularities and to prosecute those responsible to the fullest extent of the law.


Founded in 2004, United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) is an international non-governmental organization addressing the interests and needs of Macedonians and Macedonian communities throughout the world.
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