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UMD Congratulates Macedonia on Accession to the Schengen “White” List

WASHINGTON, D.C. – November 30, 2009 – The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) congratulated the Republic of Macedonia today on accession to the Schengen Zone “White” List and the removal of visa barriers to travel for Macedonian citizens.  Beginning December 19, 2009, Macedonian citizens will be free to travel to all EU member countries except Ireland and the United Kingdom; they will be able to travel to non-EU member countries Norway, Iceland, and Switzerland. 

“The removal of visa barriers is a dual victory for Macedonians.  On the one hand, it eliminates the often-daunting and sometimes humiliating requirements for obtaining visas, and on the other hand demonstrates that tangible results associated with Euro-Atlantic integration can be achieved without sacrificing Macedonia’s constitutional name,” said UMD Director of Public Policy Boban Jovanovski. 

Founded in 2004, United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) is the leading international non-governmental organization addressing the interests and needs of Macedonians and Macedonian communities throughout the world.
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