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UMD Congratulates Australia On Security Council Seat; Thanks Macedonia for Voting in Favour

The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) congratulates Australia for winning a non-permanent seat at the UN Security Council.  Since Australia announced its bid in March 2008, UMD has been a strong advocate and supporter, particularly through the Roadmap for Advancing Australia-Macedonia Relations.  UMD thanks Macedonia for voting in favour of Australia’s membership on the UN Security Council. 

As it assumes this new leadership role, UMD once again calls on the Australian government to support Macedonia’s inalienable right to self-determination, and fully recognise Macedonia under its constitutional name.  

UMD Director of Australian Outreach Ordan Andreevski said: “We watched with great interest how Australia managed to win the coveted UNSC seat over its competitors Luxembourg and Finland, despite being a late entrant in 2008.  The $25m budget for the campaign, along with the combined efforts of Prime Minister Gillard, Foreign Minister Carr, Parliamentary Secretary Marles, and Australian diplomats at the UN in New York and in Canberra, delivered the desired outcome. The ongoing contribution of Australian soldiers, police and development assistance personnel over the last 20 years also made a big difference.”  

UMD also calls upon the Australian Government to work with the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon and the UNSC to finally abandon the unjust treatment of Macedonia within the UN.  In 1993, the UNSC passed two unprecedented, illegal resolutions, which have harmed the reputation of the United Nations, by imposing a “temporary” reference on Macedonia at the UN, and by pressuring Macedonia to negotiate its constitutional name, in order to appease the discredited and corrupt political class of the Hellenic Republic.  

“Now that Australia has a unique opportunity to repair its foreign policy reputation on the international stage, full recognition of Macedonia is the next essential step,” stated Andreevski.  

Senator Bob Carr recently recognised the positive contribution of the Macedonian community in Australia, and his Parliamentary Secretary Richard Marles described that contribution as “the bedrock of Australia’s relationship with Macedonia.”   

UMD Australia Director Ordan Andreevski has written several opinion pieces on the importance of Australia securing a non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council.  Click HERE to read them.

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