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UMD Concerned about Ailing Health of Macedonian Human Rights Advocate

The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) is greatly distressed by the news of the ailing health of 2010 UMD Human Rights Award recipient Edmond Temelko, Mayor of Pustec, Albania and calls on the Special Prosecutor’s Office to end his police detention.

UMD sends its thoughts and well wishes to Temelko for a speedy recovery and wish him faith and perseverance.

We would like to remind the Macedonian public that during his tenure as Mayor, Temelko has been a staunch advocate for the human rights of the Macedonian minority within his town as well as throughout Albania and ensured that they were treated with the dignity and respect that they deserve. Throughout his tenure in Albanian politics, he has a been a beacon for tolerance, pluralism, and equality, and we hope he continues to serve in this role for years to come.

UMD is troubled by the selective approach by the Special Prosecutor’s Office to hold Temelko in detention for two months, and we hope that no one, regardless of political affiliation, rushes to judgment on this matter and that he is granted full due process under the law and a fair transparent trial as all other defendants.

We join the Macedonian and the Albanian presidents, as well as Macedonians organizations in Albania and throughout the world, in their concern over his health.

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