Site icon United Macedonian Diaspora

UMD Canada

Founded in 2008, the United Macedonian Diaspora (Canada) is a registered Canadian charity serving the interests and needs of the 250,000+ strong Canadian-Macedonian community.

The objects of UMD (Canada) are:

– to educate the importance of proper maintenance and observance of human rights, as set forth in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, through communication with interested members of the public, organizations, academics, and governments.
– to educate and increase public awareness issues of racial and/or ethnic discrimination, and promote positive relations between racial and/or ethnic communities of like-minded groups.
– to advance and reach religious tenets, doctrines, observances and culture associated with the Eastern Orthodox religion.
– to assist poor immigrants in locating; training for jobs, immigrated family members, education, information, official language courses, workshops to prepare them for employment for already attained certifications, and other services of benefit to aid in the betterment of becoming Canadian citizens.
– to relieve poverty by providing the basic amenities to those in financial need.

E-mail or call (416) 209-0448 for more information on UMD (Canada).

Become a member of UMD Canada or make a charitable donation by clicking the button below.


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