United Macedonian Diaspora

UMD Calls for Respect and Civility in Greece

The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) condemned yesterday’s racist and violent protests in Greece. Thousands took to the streets in Athens objecting to the Greek Government’s support for the Prespa Agreement. The clashes have involved more than 60,000 protestors and have, regrettably, descended into racist and derogatory chants directed at Macedonia.

UMD condemns all racist language and behaviour. While the name change issue evokes strong emotions, both in Greece and Macedonia, it denounces in the strongest possible way violence of any sort and any language that targets race, colour or religion.

UMD reiterates its commitment to reversing the name-change and the protection of Macedonian identity and heritage. It will, not, however, ever root that campaign in anti-Greek sentiment. It calls on all Macedonians, Greeks and vested parties to exercise their democratic freedoms to protest and make their voices heard while conducting themselves with the highest possible standards.

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