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UMD Board Passes Resolution on Macedonia Name Dispute and Ongoing UN Negotiations



DATED: JUNE 6, 2010

The Board of Directors of the United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD), on the occasion of UMD’s Second Annual Global Conference, conducted in Toronto, Ontario, Canada from June 3 – 6, 2010, affirming UMD’s unwavering and consistent support for Macedonia’s one and only constitutional and rightful name and UMD’s rejection of attempts to change or impose any other name on Macedonia and the Macedonian people hereby declares:

WHEREAS, Macedonia democratically declared and peacefully obtained its independence from Yugoslavia on September 8, 1991, and its people, using their sovereign rights, determined that the name of their independent nation would be Macedonia; and

WHEREAS, Macedonia’s name is central to the national identity and self-determination of the Macedonian people, Macedonian language, culture and heritage, and to the creation of a stable, prosperous, and democratic society in Macedonia; and,

WHEREAS, Macedonia became a member of the United Nations on April 8, 1993, and, as an independent state, has the sovereign right to determine its national identity and name; and since the Macedonia’s admission to the United Nations, it has been subject, as a condition of such admission, to provisional reference at such body under the term “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” at the insistence of its southern neighbor, the Hellenic Republic; and,

WHEREAS, the imposition and use of the provisional reference for Macedonia as a condition for its admission into the United Nations, the continued reference to Macedonia by such reference, and the Hellenic Republic’s efforts to falsely portray such reference term or acronyms as Macedonia’s actual name are an affront to Macedonia’s sovereign rights, insult the basic human dignity of its citizens, and violate the letter and spirit of the United Nations Charter; and,

WHEREAS, under international law, one independent sovereign nation does not have the power or authority to dictate to another independent sovereign nation its name and the national and ethnic identity of its people; and,

WHEREAS, four of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, the United States of America, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the People’s Republic of China, recognize Macedonia by its constitutional name and more than 120 additional nations, a majority of the members of the United Nations, recognize Macedonia by its one and only constitutional and rightful name; and,

WHEREAS, Macedonia met all criteria to become a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in 2008, as expressed and affirmed in the 2008 NATO Bucharest Summit Communiqué; and,

WHEREAS, the Hellenic Republic violated Article 11 of the 1995 United Nations-brokered Interim Accord between it and Macedonia by objecting to the admission of Macedonia into NATO at and since the 2008 NATO Bucharest Summit; and,

WHEREAS, Macedonia remains fully eligible for membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization; remains a willing and valued participant in NATO combat operations even after its membership was blocked in 2008, and stands ready to take its rightful and well-earned place within the alliance; and,

WHEREAS, on November 9, 2005, the European Commission recommended to the European Council that it grants Macedonia candidate status for European Union membership and on December 15, 2005, the European Council accepted such recommendation and accepted Macedonia as a European Union candidate; and,

WHEREAS, no date has been set for the commencement of accession talks with Macedonia by the European Council notwithstanding its acceptance of Macedonia as a candidate for European Union membership; and,

WHEREAS, the setting of a commencement date for accession talks between the European Union and Macedonia and the admission of Macedonia to the European Union will improve the economic and political stability of Macedonia and Southeast Europe, advance and heighten social development in both Macedonia and all of Southeast Europe; and,

WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the European Union to continue its expansion by admitting those nations in Southeast Europe that, like Macedonia, are committed to maintaining democratic societies, market-based economies, respect for the rule of law, and the protection of the civil and human rights of their citizens, to full membership in the European Union, as the admission of such nations, including Macedonia, will promote further peace and stability in Europe; and,

WHEREAS, the members of the global Macedonian Diaspora must offer their unwavering support in advancing Macedonia’s socio-economic standing in Southeast Europe and internationally and must unite in supporting Macedonia, THEREFORE BE IT,

RESOLVED, that UMD, reiterates its unwavering support for retention of the one and only constitutional and rightful name of Macedonia, rejects all attempts to change or impose any other name upon Macedonia and the Macedonian people, and calls upon the Macedonian government to cease the ongoing UN negotiations and to submit a resolution before the UN General Assembly and Security Council to be re-admitted to the UN under its one and only constitutional and rightful name of Macedonia; 

FURTHER RESOLVED, that UMD calls upon all members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to admit the Republic of Macedonia into NATO at the 2010 NATO Lisbon Summit;

FURTHER RESOLVED, that UMD calls upon the European Union to set a date certain for European Union accession negotiations with Macedonia at the June 2010 Council of Ministers meeting; and,

FURTHER RESOLVED, that UMD calls upon the Macedonian government to increase needed reforms especially in the sectors of the judiciary, political dialogue, and public corruption; and,

FURTHER RESOLVED, that UMD urges all members of the global Macedonian Diaspora to offer unwavering support to Macedonia to improve its socio-economic standing in Southeast Europe and internationally and to unite and work together in supporting Macedonia as it continues its Euro-Atlantic integration.

Copies to:

Secretary-General of the United Nations, United Nations Security Council, Officials & Members of the European Union & European Communities, Officials & Members of NATO, President of the United States of America, its Secretary of State, U.S. Ambassadors to all appropriate countries and organizations, Prime Minister of Australia & its Minister of Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australian Ambassadors to all appropriate countries and organizations, Prime Minister of Canada & its Minister of Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Canadian Ambassadors to all appropriate countries and organizations, Appropriate U.S. Congressional Committees, Officials and media in the Republic of Macedonia.

Founded in 2004, United Macedonian Diaspora is a leading international non-governmental organization addressing the interests and needs of Macedonians and Macedonian communities throughout the world. 
UMD’s headquarters are located in Washington, D.C., and it has representatives serving Macedonian communities around the world, including Brussels, Canberra, Chicago, Detroit, Kiev, London, Los Angeles, Melbourne, New York, Ottawa, Paris, Perth, St. Petersburg, Stuttgart, Sydney, Toronto, and Vienna.

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