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UMD Board Chairman Nikolov Kicks Off UMD Membership Month

Dear UMD Members and Friends:

It is a pleasure to write to you today as we launch UMD Membership Month.  In September of each year, UMD focuses its attention on its Membership.  On behalf of UMD, I ask that all current Members renew their memberships for 2011 and invite all those who are not yet Members to learn more about the important work that UMD undertakes and to join us during UMD Membership Month.

UMD’s most important resource has always been its members.  UMD’s efforts, activities, and programs exist only because of the dedication of its Members and their donations of funds, time, and effort – Thank you!  Below is just a sample of UMD achievements over the past year that were possible because of the support of our Members.

– UMD was one of the sponsors of the 4th Macedonian Film Festival in Toronto.

– UMD sponsored the travel of Panayote Dimitras, the founder and spokesperson of the Greek Helsinki Monitor to Ottawa and Toronto.

– UMD was one of the sponsors of the 7th North American Conference of Macedonian Studies at the University of Utah.

– UMD partnered with the U.S. Census Bureau and launched the Macedonian-American 2010 Census Project Coalition.  And just today, UMD received from the Bureau’s Director, Dr. Robert M. Groves a plaque recognizing UMD and the Macedonian-American community as valued partners of the Bureau in raising awareness of and inspiring participation in the 2010 Census.

– UMD held the Washington, D.C., New York City, and New Jersey premieres of the documentary film A Name is A Name.

– UMD’s President traveled to Australia and New Zealand to help raise awareness about Macedonia among policymakers and to assist UMD’s Australian team with fundraising and membership recruitment.

– UMD launched Regional Operations in Los Angeles, California with a reception attended by over 200 guests honoring world-renowned Macedonian pianist Simon Trpceski

– UMD held its 2nd Annual Day on the Hill, where UMD Members visited over 100 Congressional offices and which ended with a reception honoring retiring Senator George Voinovich of Ohio.

– In June 2010, UMD held its 2nd Annual Global Conference in Toronto where over 1,000 Macedonians and friends of Macedonia from over 20 countries assembled.  The Conference Gala Banquet brought over 500 guests to honor prominent Canadian-Macedonian John L. N. Bitove, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and Canadian Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney

– UMD expanded its scholarship programs with the establishment of the John L. N. Bitove Macedonian Heritage Scholarship Fund.

– Two weeks ago, UMD and the Turkish Coalition of America led a delegation of 18 senior Congressional staffers to Macedonia to meet with Macedonia’s President, Foreign Minister, Defense Minister, U.S. Ambassador and U.S. Embassy personnel, members of Parliament, and NGO sector.

In the coming year, UMD will continue its important work of educating the public and policymakers about Macedonian issues, promoting Macedonian culture and values, and supporting our fellow Macedonians and causes.  In June 2011, UMD will hold its 3rd Annual Global Conference in Washington, D.C., celebrating 20 years of Macedonian independence.  Also in the coming year, UMD is expanding its Regional Operations in the United States, Australia, Canada, and Europe, formalizing Generation M, launching a brand new website, and expanding its Charitable Programming.  I hope we can count on your support for the upcoming year!

To continue the level of UMD’s efforts and realize its plans for the future, UMD needs your membership and your support.  United, We Can!  Together, we will help Macedonia become a leader in Southeast Europe, and advance our communities worldwide!

If you are a UMD Member, please renew your Membership by clicking HERE.  If you are not a UMD Member, please join TODAY by clicking HERE.  UMD also welcomes donations either generally or towards specific projects…click HERE to donate.  All memberships and donations are 100% tax deductible in Canada and the United States.

Stojan Nikolov
Chairman of the UMD Board of Directors

P.S. Word of mouth is the best way of promotion, so please consider forwarding this letter to your family and friends and encourage them to become members of UMD.

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