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UMD BIRTHRIGHT MACEDONIA Program Receives Major Gift

The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) is pleased to announce an inaugural gift of $5,000 to its BIRTHRIGHT MACEDONIA program from an anonymous donor.

The gift is for the benefit of participants in the 2015 BIRTHRIGHT MACEDONIA Summer Session.

Awards will be made on a first come basis. The first ten applicants, who complete the full application process, will receive an award and will be so notified.

A gift of $500 will be given to the awarded participants who successfully complete the Summer Session. It will be presented to them upon the return to their home country.

This gift is a challenge to other donors. Please consider making your tax-deductible gift so that BIRTHRIGHT MACEDONIA can send more of our youth to Macedonia this summer. You can make a donation by clicking HERE.

BIRTHRIGHT MACEDONIA offers our youth the opportunity to go to Macedonia to:

* Rediscover their heritage or discover it for the first time.

* Become immersed in an Internship program compatible with their academic and career goals or their general interest.

* Work side by side with other youth from abroad and with native youth for the betterment of our homeland, Macedonia.

* Build friendships that will last a lifetime.

* When they come back, we hope youth will get involved with GENERATION M, UMD’s next generation of leaders program. GENERATION M, which caters to youth ages 16-25, has been actively promoting BIRTHRIGHT MACEDONIA on various social media like Facebook and Twitter.

For full information on BIRTHRIGHT MACEDONIA, please visit click HERE. To make a tax-deductible gift for BIRTHRIGHT MACEDONIA, please e-mail 


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